The Resurrection Body

Early this morning I awakened suddenly from a very vivid dream that I immediately knew was of spiritual significance.

I was with my husband in a house busy doing something unimportant (I don’t remember what) when all at once I remembered that we had a baby that we hadn’t seen or heard for a very long time.

I was afraid to go look in the crib because I knew I was going to find our dead baby. Of course I had to do it; but when we looked, there was no baby there. Now I knew I had to report it to the police, who would ask all sorts of questions. How could I tell them that I had just forgotten the baby?

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The Realm of Spirit

The Jews had a very strong attachment to this material, flesh and blood realm. They believed that life was in the blood (Leviticus 17:11) and also that their sins could not be forgiven without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). They believed that God “visited the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation” (Numbers 14:18) (see What’s in Your DNA?).

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What’s in Your DNA?


The wisdom of this world (which is foolishness to God—1Corinthians 3:19) tells us that we are subject to the genes we received at birth. We have been told that we are more likely to get cancer or arthritis, die young or become addicted because of what we have inherited from our parents.

And we have believed without questioning all that we’ve been told. Just listen to the words coming out of your mouth and the mouths of those around you, and you will know that this is indeed the case.

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Powers and Principalities and Rulers of the Darkness

As I’ve said earlier (see But What About …?), I have learned to just continue to read Scriptures without attempting to understand them through reasoning or searching out what others have said about them. I have become confident that when they are needed or when I’m ready to hear, God will reveal their meaning for me—for it is only the words that He speaks to me that are Spirit and life:
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The Dream (Part 1)

I awakened this morning at 6:00 from a very vivid dream wherein I was most apprehensive about a play that I was about to perform in but for which I was not prepared. I didn’t know my lines at all. It was certainly going to be disastrous. Of course I was immensely relieved when I awakened and recognized that it was only a dream and had no reality. I knew inside that what I had just experienced had spiritual significance. So I got out of bed and lay down under an infrared dome to listen. I’ve had many revelations while lying under that dome, including the one contained in the contemplation Ten Righteous Men.
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