Motivated by Love

After writing the contemplation “Living as Heirs of God” yesterday, I had a further revelation of righteousness without the law—which is the core of the Gospel. When Adam entertained the first thought of being separated from his Father, he began to make laws for himself that he believed would help him regain his Father’s love and acceptance. He developed a conscience which constantly accused him for his inability to keeps those laws. He became afraid of His father, fearing His wrath and judgment.

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Double-Mindedness or Stability

As I have already written in so many of these contemplations, I grew up in a very orthodox Church and family and took upon myself a concept of a God of wrath and judgment that struck terror in my soul. I spent over 50 years attempting to love this God and feel loved by Him. I didn’t dare question anything I had been taught because I was so frightened of being deceived.

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Relax and Receive

Yesterday I hosted my first Bible study since 1999. Since that time, I feel that God has given me many revelations that I have articulated in writing and posted on this website. Just recently I have been doing even more writing as I feel God is opening my spiritual eyes and ears to better understand how we are to read and interpret Scripture. I have been working on many contemplations at once as I was attempting to write down everything God was showing me.

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