The Authority of the “I” that I Am

Since the name of God is “I,” and since that is my name also, and since God gave His offspring dominion over all the rest of creation (Genesis 1:26), every time I say the word “I,” I am speaking as God; and whatever I say accomplishes that which I have spoken and does not return unto me void (Isaiah 55:11).

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The Resurrection Body

Early this morning I awakened suddenly from a very vivid dream that I immediately knew was of spiritual significance.

I was with my husband in a house busy doing something unimportant (I don’t remember what) when all at once I remembered that we had a baby that we hadn’t seen or heard for a very long time.

I was afraid to go look in the crib because I knew I was going to find our dead baby. Of course I had to do it; but when we looked, there was no baby there. Now I knew I had to report it to the police, who would ask all sorts of questions. How could I tell them that I had just forgotten the baby?

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The Realm of Spirit

The Jews had a very strong attachment to this material, flesh and blood realm. They believed that life was in the blood (Leviticus 17:11) and also that their sins could not be forgiven without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). They believed that God “visited the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation” (Numbers 14:18) (see What’s in Your DNA?).

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Relax and Receive

Yesterday I hosted my first Bible study since 1999. Since that time, I feel that God has given me many revelations that I have articulated in writing and posted on this website. Just recently I have been doing even more writing as I feel God is opening my spiritual eyes and ears to better understand how we are to read and interpret Scripture. I have been working on many contemplations at once as I was attempting to write down everything God was showing me.

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No Restraints

August 25, 2017

Because I was working on the contemplation How We Experience God (beginning with Adam and Eve), I was just systematically reading the book of Genesis. I read that immediately after the flood God had compassion upon mankind, knowing that “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (8:21).He again gave man dominion over all the rest of creation and even gave him permission to eat meat (9:2-3).

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