Government of My Life

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Isaiah 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

If the government of my life is to be upon His shoulder, I must stop making decisions based on reason or duty. If I know that of mine own self I can do nothing (John 5:30), then my total reliance must be upon the still small voice(1Kings 19:12) inside. Because I can do NOTHING of mine own self, that means I cannot even distinguish the still small voice. How can I obey what I cannot even distinguish? This is where the government is on HIS shoulders. I cannot rely upon myself for ANYTHING. I totally depend upon HIM —the SPIRIT that I AM. I just do what I feel to do, say what I feel to say, as my mind is stayed on HIM —not on what I ought to do or say or what is the reasonable thing to do or say.

Isaiah 26:3  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

And no matter what the outcome, I don’t begin questioning and second guessing what I did or said. No, I keep my mind stayed on God and my faith in His promises to walk and talk in me (2Corinthians 6:16). I never again take the government of my life upon my own shoulders. Some trust in horses and chariots, some in their own ability to make the right decisions; but I trust in the name (nature) of God (Psalms 20:7) —the nature that is ready and willing to take full responsibility for running (guiding, directing) that which He begot out of Himself (James 1:18).

What I haven’t heretofore realized is that when I take the government of my life upon my own shoulders (which are in no way equipped to bear that burden) as did the prodigal son, my Father doesn’t interfere. He just patiently and eagerly awaits my return —my coming to myself, coming to the realization that I don’t have to remain in the pig sty of self indulgence which I’ve dug for myself, nor yet in the chains of duty that the elder brother put upon himself. We are all free to live the life of abundance when we can hear our Father say, All that I have is yours (Luke 15:11-32).

But none of us will know this freedom until we understand what it means to let the government of our lives be upon our Father’s shoulder.

Blood of Jesus

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Remembering that the important thing is not right doctrine, but rather knowing and experiencing God, I want to look at the blood of Jesus. People go around pleading the blood; countless songs have been written about the efficacy of the blood; and the Christian religion has been labeled gory and bloodthirsty by many.

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Parable of God’s Right Hand

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Without exception, the right hand and arm of God are referred to in the Old Testament as instruments of salvation toward those who put their trust in God. To be on the right hand of God is to be safe, secure, and full of joy —being a partaker of God’s life. It is the place of righteousness, or right standing with God. Here is the absence of sin and sin consciousness and the presence of confidence in His salvation —not in one’s own ability. (Psalms 16:11 (KJV) Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms 17:7 (KJV) Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. Psalms 44:3 (KJV) For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them. Psalms 89:13 (KJV) Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. Psalms 98:1 (KJV) O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. Psalms 48:10 (KJV) According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 (KJV) Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.)

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Underdone Burgers

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Today I made homemade buns and barbecue sauce for the twenty-five steak burgers my husband was going to grill. It was to be a wonderful meal for today and lots of leftovers for the freezer. The last time he grilled them, they were really scrumptious and a big hit. But I thought they were just a tad overdone, so I suggested he not cook these quite as long. I wanted them to be perfect!

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Purpose of the Cross

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I must make the attempt to say that which cannot be conveyed in words, but only through revelation by the Spirit of God. But words are necessary (Jesus used them) to bring light into a world which needs words to confirm what is being revealed.

Recently I heard a sermon on the cross. The speaker was very gifted in dramatic presentation, and many were profoundly moved by his sermon —and with good reason.

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Darkness Before the Dawn

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We’ve often heard the saying that it is darkest before the dawn, meaning that often things get worse before they get better; so we should not admit defeat when victory is just ahead.

And we have Scriptures which give us this same encouragement:

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