Since the name of God is “I,” and since that is my name also, and since God gave His offspring dominion over all the rest of creation (Genesis 1:26), every time I say the word “I,” I am speaking as God; and whatever I say accomplishes that which I have spoken and does not return unto me void (Isaiah 55:11).
Jesus, the Son of Man; Christ, the Son of God
Today, I wish to show that, contrary to the words of our favorite Christmas carol, Christ the Savior was never born in a manger, indeed, was never born at all (“before Abraham was, I am”—John 8:58).
Continue reading “Jesus, the Son of Man; Christ, the Son of God”
Living as Heirs of God
Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;
If we are ever to lay claim to and enjoy our inheritance as children of God, an inheritance which includes everything that God has (“all that I have is thine”—Luke 15:31; 1Corinthians 3:22–”Everything belongs to you”), we must know without a doubt that we are not flesh and blood (see Born of Spirit)—for “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (1Corinthians 15:50).
The Resurrection Body
Early this morning I awakened suddenly from a very vivid dream that I immediately knew was of spiritual significance.
I was with my husband in a house busy doing something unimportant (I don’t remember what) when all at once I remembered that we had a baby that we hadn’t seen or heard for a very long time.
I was afraid to go look in the crib because I knew I was going to find our dead baby. Of course I had to do it; but when we looked, there was no baby there. Now I knew I had to report it to the police, who would ask all sorts of questions. How could I tell them that I had just forgotten the baby?
The Realm of Spirit
The Jews had a very strong attachment to this material, flesh and blood realm. They believed that life was in the blood (Leviticus 17:11) and also that their sins could not be forgiven without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). They believed that God “visited the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation” (Numbers 14:18) (see What’s in Your DNA?).
Born of Spirit
The Bible speaks repeatedly of two realms—the realm of Spirit and the realm of flesh.
Double-Mindedness or Stability
As I have already written in so many of these contemplations, I grew up in a very orthodox Church and family and took upon myself a concept of a God of wrath and judgment that struck terror in my soul. I spent over 50 years attempting to love this God and feel loved by Him. I didn’t dare question anything I had been taught because I was so frightened of being deceived.
Leaving This World of Flesh
Jesus had been with His disciples for three years. In His last talk with them before His arrest and crucifixion, He was telling them that He was about to leave them and return to His Father from whence He came:
Walking as Jesus Walked
This is the third in a series of studies in 1John (see From the Beginning and Assuring Our Hearts Before Him). Now I wish to discuss 1John 1:5-2:6 which I will quote now in its entirety but not record:
Assuring Our Hearts Before Him
This is the second in a series of studies on the book of 1John. I would like you to read From the Beginning before reading this one.